
We’re a group of undergrad students, grad students and professors in UW’s Electrical and Computer Engineering department. Our goal is to instruct teachers in new STEM resources that they can use to introduce technology and engineering  subjects into the k-12 learning system. To accomplish this task we developed courses on the usage of Raspberry Pi and Arduino. From operating LEDs based on temperature readings and analyzing the tilt of a surface to programming in Scratch or Sonic Pi, the Rasperry Pi and Arduino provide a plethora of materials that can be integrated into a classroom environment. Subsequently, we were even able to produce some cool demos with these resources. Going forward we hope, with further teacher feedback and experience in the program, to develop even more specialized learning tools, with these resources, so future STEM instruction in k-12 education can become even more prevalent.


Summer Workshop 2017

We are also planning on continuing our summer workshops in 2017! We will have details regarding this program by the end of November.Subsequently, if  you are interested in participating in one of these workshops, please contact us after we have released more details.